P rint method 9-pin, serial impact dot matrix
Print Font Font 5 x 9 / 7 x 9
Column capacity (columns ) R eceipt: 37 / 50, S lip / Validation: 45 / 60
Character size (mm) 1.56 (W) x 3.1 (H) / 1.24 (W) x 3.1 (H)
Character set 95 Alphanumeric 37 International 128 x 12 Graphic
Characters Per Inch 13.3 cpi / 17.8 cpi
Interfaces* R S -232, Bi-directional parallel R S -485, US B, 10 Base-T I/F
Data buffer 4 KB or 45 bytes
Print speed Approx. 5.14 lps (at 40 columns , 17.8 cpi)
Paper Dimens ions(mm) R oll paper:82.5 / 76.0 ± 0.5 (W) x dia. 83.0 S lip: 68 to 230 (W) x 68 to 297 (L) (min. 68 x 152) Validation: 68 to 230 (W) x 68 to 230 (L) (min.68 x 152)
Thickness(mm) R oll paper: 0.06 to 0.085 / sheet S lip: 0.09 to 0.2 (total thicknes s : 0.09 to 0.31)
Copy capability One original and two copies
Inked ribbon E R C-32 (Purple, Black)
Ink L ife (characters ) Purple: 6,000,000 Black: 4,000,000
Power 24 VDC ± 10 %
Power cons umption Approx. 1.8 A (mean)
D.K .D.function 2 drivers
R eliability MTBF 180,000 hours
MCBF 37,000,000 lines
Overall dimens ions (mm) 186 (W) x 298 (D) x 195 (H)
Mas s (Approx.) 5.8 kg
EMC s tandards VCCI clas s A, FCC clas s A, CE marking, AS / NZS 3548 clas s B
Power s upply(option) P S -180
F actory Options MICR device, Autocutter
S afety S tandards UL / CS A /TÜV(E N60950)

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